Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It's Dead Week

And I want it to be summer SO badly! Finals are next week, and all I can do is sit tight and wait. I feel as if I'm in a weird state, in which I can't focus on studying, but I can't relax and watch a movie or goof off. I can't do anything but wait for time to go by, and acknowledge the growing stressball monster in my stomach. I cannot wait til next Wednesday, when all my finals are over. 8 days. And I'm done.

It can't come soon enough.

I'm also super excited for the week after classes end. Because I will be leaving for Panama City, for Kaleo! This is what I'll be looking at all summer:

Can't. Wait.

I also can't wait for the shopping trip I'm going to take as soon as classes are finished. I need to buy some summer clothes for the beach, no?  I found this awesome website called Polyvore, where you can basically play "dress up" and create outfits. I know it seems ridiculous and childish, but it's actually great! That way, when I go into a store, I can shop with intention, for an outfit I know I want. I can find the pieces I want, and presto! I have the outfit I created online. Plus, Polyvore links every item to the store website, so you can buy it right there! Pretty nifty.

I have one more little tidbit to leave you:

Hopefully, I'll be able to post before the end of finals. However, no guarentees!
Ah, the life of a college student.

Happy Tuesday!

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